2000 AD announces plans for 45th birthday Michael Lennox2000AD, 45th Birthday, Annie Wu (Hawkeye), Ant Wars, Blackhawk, brian bolland, Carlos Ezquerra, Chris Weston (The Filth), Colleen Doran (New York Times bestseller), Dan Dare, David Aja (Seeds), Fiends of the Eastern Front, Gerry Finley-Day, Harry Twenty on the High Rock, Henry Flint (Judge Dredd), Jamie Smart (Bear), john wagner, Judge Dredd, Kevin O’Neill (League of Extraordinary Gentlemen), Michael Allred (X-Statix), Mick McMahon, Mick McMahon (Judge Dredd), Rachael Stott (Doctor Who), Slaine, Tharg, The VCs, Zargaz 2000 AD announces plans for 45th birthday. A new kind of comic hit newsstands in 1977 - and the legendary 2000 AD is getting ready to celebrate Read More