Comic Reviews 

Green Lantern: Teen Lantern #1


Green Lantern: Teen Lantern #1

Published by DC Comics

Available: April 6, 2021

Written by: Geoffrey Thorne

Art by: Dexter Soy and Marco Santucci

Colours by: Alex Sinclair

Letters by Rob Leigh

Cover by Bernard Chang and Alex Sinclair


The Multiverse is dead! Long live the Omniverse!! There have been some amazing story arcs with Green Lantern over the past few years the Earth One stories set the bar and the recent “Future State” shows a universe without the power battery.

This seems back to normal though, with a by the numbers story of lots of aliens and lots of lanterns fighting “something” blah, blah…blah!

As a kid, I loved Green Lantern but recently I feel they have had their place. The characters peaked with “The Blackest Night” when the emotional spectrum war and since then has been stuck in a reset loop.

The newest Earth sector Lantern (number 3,872 and counting) is the Teen Lantern jumping from the pages of Young Justice in the main title.


In College, a lecturer once told me that using flashbacks are poor plot devices and should only be used to add value to a strong story. They are overused by TV, movies and unfortunately comics. Green Lantern #1 falls into this trap we start the issue mid-battle and then crawl back two hours. This adds nothing to the story.

Thorne throws too many things into the mix for a first issue. We have Teen Lantern, a new threat, multiple aliens and spectrums… It’s all a bit much! I’ve seen a few reviews already complaining about the floating discs for each delegation..! George Lucas has called and he wants his senate back!!

The Teen Lantern, Keli Quintela, adds fresh perspective but it’d way too busy and the “Lantern Menace!!” feeling of young Anakin Skywalker drifts into this whole story.

There some weird pirate aliens from Gemworld either speaking with a Cornish or Scottish accent but it feels off as if Thorne has never seen a film with middle English spoken!


The story focuses around Jon Stewart and he does seem to command the whole issue well, but the pseudo-Kryptonian garb feels like it’s there to be taken out of. As with any issue with the full Corp, the shots of the Lanterns fighting or taking the oath are stunning.

Soy and Santucci’s share the limelight well and each’s style complements the other! I still think there will be jokes for years about the Lantern Menace senate scenes. All you need is ET or one of the Star Wars universes to be hidden away to play bingo with the issue.

The Lantern Menace!

Overall Thoughts

This could be a great issue the artwork is gorgeous, the widening of the Omniverse could herald new threats and the Teen Lantern adds a weird angle throughout.

If you are a diehard GL fan you will love this issue, if you get annoyed with the “too many cooks” approach DC sometimes takes with it characters, plot and artwork I would leave this issue to bed down for a while

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Michael Lennox

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T'was a cold dark night in East Kilbride... and below the roundabouts, something old and ancient began to shudder awake. The world would rue the day that it gave the Green Jaguar comics to read!

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