Review – Crime Syndicate #3

crime syndicate 3

Review – Crime Syndicate #3

Writer: Andy Schmidt

Artist: Bryan Hitch, Kieran McKeown

Publisher: DC Comics

Release Date: May 5, 2021


With the Crime Syndicate’s forces combined for the first time, seeds are sown to change the world forever. But before that can happen, Ultraman, Superia, Johnny Quick, Atomica, and Emerald Knight must survive a final battle with the biggest Starro of them all-and each other! Plus: Earth-3’s Alexander Luthor makes his debut!

Question of the month: On Earth-3, are Starros friends or foes (and do we care?)

And in the backup story, witness the origin of Superwoman in a tale illustrated by superstar artist Bryan Hitch!


In a world of villains who do you root for? Andy Schmidt’s answer.. nobody! This six-issue run hits the midpoint with a middling story replaying the well-known Starro invasion with an evil twist! It’s a pantomime of schadenfreude, campness, and tongue-in-cheek villany! With the ego of Ultraman tested last issue, by Starro, he’s out for revenge. But the out and out star of this issue is absolutely Superwoman. While the rest are paralyzed by emotions Donna steps up and kicks Starfish bottom (if they have one!).

Converting her lasso to barbed wire is inspiring and opens up quite a few possibilities! But where will the story arc go for the remaining three issues? The mini-origin of Superwoman is short and to the point, but I’ll leave out any spoilers and you can find out how she left Demon Island yourself.


The artwork is on point! Classic muscles and might all the way. Kieran McKeown definitely loves drawing the Green Lanterns (or Emerald Knights in this Universe) but as usual, it’s the full-page or double-page panels that show his artwork proudly. Bright DC style colouring and posing show off the Syndicate well and there’s some much going on on each page you’ll have to go back for a second look to see the small details you missed.

Hitch does a great backup job on the Origin story!

Overall Thoughts

For fans of Invincible or The Boys, this universe has no heroes but struggles to show the darkness within the characters. It’s a bit by the numbers and as above a pantomime for us to boo and hiss. I’m glad it’s a limited run as it could turn into another Batman who Laughs or King In Black style story. When evil wins, who cares anymore? The world needs heroes and obstacles to overcome and achieve, hopefully, DC doesn’t jump the shark with this.

Do you agree with our review of Crime Syndicate #3?

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Michael Lennox

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T'was a cold dark night in East Kilbride... and below the roundabouts, something old and ancient began to shudder awake. The world would rue the day that it gave the Green Jaguar comics to read!

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