Review – Die Namite Lives! #1

Review - Die Namite Lives! #1

Review – Die Namite Lives #1

Written By: Fred Van Lente

Art By: Vincenzo Carratú

Colours By: Kike J. Diaz

Letters By: Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou

Published By: Dynamite Comics 

Cover Art By: Lucio Parrillo (cover A)

US Cover Price: $3.99

Release Date: June 9, 2021


The hit series returns, cuz you can’t kill a never-ending army of zombies…you can only hope to beat the $%&# out of them! After tragically losing their first Chosen One against the zombie plague, Vampirella, Miss Fury, and what remains of the Project Superpowers look for a new saviour — but Ash Williams is an even more reluctant Deadite hunter than usual! This time, the Army of Darkness has ray guns, super powers and a brilliant new general: Evil Sonja, who takes her role of Queen of Hel quite seriously!


Merging Ash, Deadites, Zombies, Vampirella, Ms Fury and Pantha together after the bonkers Die Namite! from 2020 take the best of the Dynamite Comics stable and pits them both for an against each other.

This issue focussed on Ash as he restocks toilet paper after the COVID pandemic and his over-fastidious boss, Tammy, warns him about worksite health and safety. As the deadites attack he sends her on a supply run to the garden supplies for a chainsaw (the biggest she can get) while he uses his boomstick. She returns and attaches a…weed whacker which still does a decent job.

Elsewhere, the rest of the heroes transport in to the Sekhmet Club and a fight between Pantha and Vampirella only stops when she explains that the that the zombie outbreak is everywhere, including Drakulon.

Fred Van Lente wisely focusses this issue on Ash but unless you’ve read the first series the rest of the issue is a bit confusing. He writes Ash as his usual snarky, self-assured self and this helps set the pace for the rest of the issue.


Vincenzo Carratú uses panelling, forced perspective and double exposure techniques in this issue to ramp up tension and draw the reader’s eye where he wants exactly in each image. Just look at this stunning double-tap from ash we’re basically looking down the gun as he shoots through the head of two zombie/deadites.

Review - Die Namite Lives! #1

The artwork on the variant covers is stunning and will be in high demand for collectors of Vampirella or Red Sonja covers.

Overall Thoughts

For die-hard fans of the Dynamite characters, this is a great follow up to last years crossover event. It’s a bit confusing for new readers but they can settle in with the Ash side of the story while they get up to speed. Solid issue writing is three stars and artwork is five.

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Michael Lennox

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T'was a cold dark night in East Kilbride... and below the roundabouts, something old and ancient began to shudder awake. The world would rue the day that it gave the Green Jaguar comics to read!

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