Review – Frontiersman #1
Review – Frontiersman #1
Writer: Patrick Kindlon
Artist: Marco Ferrari
Letterer: Jim Campbell
Publisher: Image Comics
Release Date: September 22, 2021
Variant Artist: Matteo Scalera
Issue #1
PATIENCE! CONVICTION! REVENGE! team PATRICK KINDLON & MARCO FERRARI reunite for an all-new ONGOING SERIES at Image! Classic Green Arrow-style adventure blends with the thoughtfulness of Concrete in a superhero odyssey for mature, but uncynical, readers! Frontiersman is coaxed out of retirement by an environmentalist group, only to find that being a spokesperson makes him a target for old and new enemies alike! For the superhero reader looking for more.
Writer: Patrick Kindlon
Kindlon finishes issue one with a two-page manifesto indicting the fall of the big two companies over the past few decades. In PK’s words, it’s been a battle to the bottom with mediocrity the flavour of the day, and I have to agree.
In this issue, we see the retired and rotund Frontiersman recruits by a band of eco-warriors to save a giant redwood from being chopped down. The story is not (thankfully) full of massive flashbacks that can cloud the first issue and doesn’t get trapped (like MOM, Mother of Madness) in an almost continual exposition at the detriment to the plot and characters.
Instead, Frontiersman introduces nods to the past, random villain robots, retired superheroes and lots of I’m too old for this shit speeches from our protagonist. Drawn out of retirement by a student of his old partner he will be putting a target on his back as he sits 150 feet up a tree, shitting into a bucket.
With nods to Green Arrow and The Dark Knight Kindlon quickly establishes this universe with a fresh and unique take on the retired cop genre.
Artist: Marco Ferrari
Ferrari has the unenviable task of translating Kindlon’s script into a fun and interestingly drawn project. No need to worry he’s at ease here drawing on both the comic, anarchic and traditional drawing styles needed to flip quickly from an open forest to a chaotic battle with pantomime villains and minions. The action picks up in waves with the hero smashing a robot in a full-page panel on page 2 and then using its head to smash through his own cabin to distract.
Overall Thoughts
Perhaps the revolution will not be televised but, instead will be in the many growing independent or talent owned comics and creators who still wish to use comics as a mirror to society while still writing an entertaining and fresh plot. I am not too old for this shit, it’s exactly what we need to scare the big two.
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