Godzilla MAP #2Comic Reviews 

Review – Godzilla: Monsters and Protectors #2


Review – Godzilla: Monsters and Protectors #2

Erik Burnham: Author 

Dan Schoening: Artist, Cover Artist 

Luis Antonio Delgado: Colourist

Published by: IDW Publishing

Available: May 2021


“Rise Up!” Part 2: The world knows that the King of the Monsters has been riled up by the Linival energy plants, whose output sent Godzilla on a pan-Pacific destructive spree the likes of which the world has never seen–but the danger is greater than anyone knows. Godzilla is sitting in judgment on humanity, and the verdict could spell doom for life on Earth! The Shobijin become aware of this and know they could ask Mothra to intervene… but does humanity deserve Mothra’s help? Reuniting the blockbuster creative team of writer Erik Burnham, artist Dan Schoening, and colourist Luis Antonio Delgado (Ghostbusters), “Rise Up” continues here!


Burnham’s work is OK.. the annoying narration by Cedric slows this issue down. I appreciate that this is for new readers but it’s just annoying and the MeeTube instead of YouTube is stupid. Asking readers to post comments on a comic page is just dumb. On pages eight and nine we get Godzilla just making noises and faces as he destroys the world and starts a new ice age (thankfully in a Shobijin vision.)

This story is all set up, and it suffers for it, we a Godzilla title you need the majority of the title highlighting Godzilla or the monsters he’s fighting with or for. The baddies are growing a Godzilla/Plant hybrid and the miniature priests of Monster Island finally set out to but we only get a glimpse or too.


Godzilla  MAP #2

The light, visual graphics and pages draw in the younger readers well and it does have that kind of Saturday Morning cartoon feel. Artist Dan Schoening and colourist Luis Antonio Delgado effortlessly bring energy mixing 50s, 70s and modern Godzilla! The young Cedric is cheezy and annoying and I wonder what research they did for this narrative flashback approach? Every time he’s on the page it jars and to prove it I skipped every page he was on and I did not miss one thing

Final thoughts

It’s a little too simple and I’d like a stronger link between the flashback plot and the point of the series! Godzilla: Monsters and Protectors #2 moves the story, but it still has an entertaining element. There are some great visuals in this issue which the Mothra fans will truly enjoy. Younger Kaiju fans will hopefully try this series and give it the chance it deserves because it could be a great idea.

I give it a middling 2.5 for writing but a slightly stronger 3.5 for artwork. But make up your own mind with an exclusive sneak peek at the issue from our good friends at IDW below! I hope you enjoyed this review of Godzilla: Monsters and Protectors #2.

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Michael Lennox

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T'was a cold dark night in East Kilbride... and below the roundabouts, something old and ancient began to shudder awake. The world would rue the day that it gave the Green Jaguar comics to read!

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