Review – Mazebook #2

Review – Mazebook #2

Review – Mazebook #2

Writer: Jeff Lemire

Artist: Jeff Lemire

Publisher: Dark Horse Comics

Release Date: 13th October 2021

Variant Cover: Dustin Nguyen

Review – Mazebook #2

Mazebook #2

Will’s a melancholy building inspector who’s been grieving the loss of his puzzle-loving daughter for years. One evening he receives a mysterious phone call from a girl claiming it’s her and that she’s trapped in the middle of a labyrinth, setting Will off on a journey digging through her personal journals and puzzles for answers on where she is and how to bring her back home.

“Mazebook is a deeply haunting and powerfully human work by one of the greatest living masters of the comic medium. You do not want to miss this book.” -James Tynion IV

Writer & Artist: Jeff Lemire

Read our review of Issue #1 here

After receiving a call at the end of the last issue, Will is convinced it is his missing daughter, Wendy is alive and is trapped in a maze. He visits his ex-wife Elena to ask for Wendy’s old stuff and they have a long argument about how she’s moved on but he’s still stuck in the past.

Back home, Will awaits another 3:12 am call from Wendy, but nothing happens and he drifts asleep, in his dreams he follows the thread of her red jumper to hopefully track her down.

Lemire is expertly showing how grief splits up families in this issue, with his wife in a new relationship while Will is getting scruffier and more withdrawn. Is Wendy still alive or is Will using her love of mazes to finally cope with his grief and move on?

The artwork is of course laced with puzzles, mazes and overlaid images further adding to the mysterious quality of the book.

Overall Thoughts

Lemire is deliberately allowing readers to interpret this book as either a mystery book where a father looks for this daughter or as a form of cognitive behavioural therapy where he uses his daughters love of puzzles to come to terms with her loss. At this point, I don’t know which one will be correct at the end but it’s a hell of a read.

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Michael Lennox

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T'was a cold dark night in East Kilbride... and below the roundabouts, something old and ancient began to shudder awake. The world would rue the day that it gave the Green Jaguar comics to read!

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