Review – The Nice House On The Lake #5

Review – The Nice House On The Lake #5

Review – The Nice House On The Lake #5

Written by: James Tynion IV

Art by: Alvaro Martinez Bueno

Colours by: Jordie Bellaire

Letters by: Andworld Design

Published by: DC Black Label

Available: 6th October 2021

Variant Covers: David Lafuente

Review – The Nice House On The Lake #5

Issue #4

Veronica, the Scientist, has one of the longest-standing connections to Walter among anyone in the House…and through her work with NASA, she may have insight into who he really is. But what she sees in the stars above the House may upend everything she thought she knew!

Would you like to read our reviews of issues 1-4?


Veronica has been pretty quiet since the first issue but comes to the front here. In an eery flashback, we see her relationship with him start and falter. He reveals his true self to help but immediately makes her forget. Back in the house after David’s dramatic demonstration, the group’s secrets are beginning to get laid bare.

The group uses a whiteboard to join up all the clues, from the mysterious supplies, the “other” house on the lake and the statues that seem to litter the area.

When Veronica highlights that the sky hasn’t moved since they got her the group starts to wonder if they are even still on Earth and at the other house a surprise is awaiting them, if only they can figure out how to get in.

I think the slow burn nature of Tynion’s title is starting to speed up, finally, but like each of the characters I’m feeling the gaps between each issue and I keep forgetting each character and what’s happened before. This issue is crying out for a previously on… at the start of each book. I think once collected this will be a formidable comic but its complicated multi-character plot does not fit into a monthly title format easily.

Review – The Nice House On The Lake #5

Art by: Alvaro Martinez Bueno

As with the previous issues Bueno’s work is superb, and the addition of multiple double-page spreads adds a stronger thematic for Tynion’s think script to grow and develop. The use of various colours and image formats helps the series jump forward and backwards without completely losing the plot (literally)

The complicated story has just a few too many protagonists and gaps between each issue and I’m hoping we’re going to break the groups into splinters to help character bonding and plot development. The story is amazing and artwork perfect but with monthly gaps, I’m starting to wonder if I should hold off till I have a few at a time to fully enjoy the experience.

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Michael Lennox

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T'was a cold dark night in East Kilbride... and below the roundabouts, something old and ancient began to shudder awake. The world would rue the day that it gave the Green Jaguar comics to read!

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