Review – Thor: The Dark World
Review – Thor: The Dark World
Directed by: Alan Taylor
Produced by: Stan Lee & Kevin Feige
Written by: Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely
Starring: Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Tom Hiddleston
Release Date: April 27th 2011 (UK)
In the run up to the release of the upcoming Loki series on Disney+, I decided to go back and re-watch the Thor movies. I first saw The Dark World in 2017 just before Ragnarok came out in theatres. It is still the only movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe that I have not seen in the cinema, and really that should tell you all that you need to know.
This is not a bad movie overall, it is just painfully mediocre. The direction is uninspired, the performances are phoned in and the plot is very run-of-the-mill for a superhero story. The new characters introduced are extraordinarily vanilla, the score is okay and the script is pretty pedestrian in terms of the kind of story it is telling. The whole thing is just passable and yet extremely unremarkable.
At this point, we are all well aware of how Marvel movies have become notorious for their lack of decent antagonists, (other than Thanos and Loki,) but the generic version of Malekith we get in this film takes it to a new level of mediocrity. This group of villains makes the Ultron bots look like deep, fleshed out characters.
I found myself getting extremely annoyed every time that Kat Dennings was in the screen and I don’t hate this actress, I don’t even remember hating her as much in the first Thor movie and I actually quite enjoyed her in Wandavision, but in The Dark World, I found her to be totally insufferable. Her over the top pantomime acting was painful to watch and none of the snarky remarks that she hit out with landed. The guy that was her intern was just as bad and there was never even any real need for these characters to be in the movie.
In summary, it’s okay. Not much focus is put on Tom Hiddleston’s Loki in this entry, but when it is, these are the best parts of the movie. He is easily the highlight of a sub par movie overall. Even Chris Hemsworth was bad in this and I know that the guy is a good actor, I’ve seen him give brilliant performances in movies both within and outside of the MCU. Every part of this movie is positively conventional and these moderately successful parts add up to a tolerable film that is by no means required viewing, not even for the most die hard of comic book fans.
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