Why Suicide Squad won’t get an Ayer Cut.

Warner Brothers won’t be releasing the Ayer Cut of Suicide Squad. CEO Ann Sarnoff stated in a recent interview that they have no intention of releasing the film, putting a definitive end to the speculation once and for all.

Released in 2016, Suicide Squad received negative reviews from both fans and critics, yet went on to be a commercial success, earning $747 million at the box office. Rumours began circulating about the Ayer Cut after the film underwent reshoots prior to its release.

Ayer confirmed that his version of the film ‘definitely exists’ and has called for fans to push for it’s release to the HBO Max streaming platform. Sarnoff responded by saying in a recent interview, “We won’t be developing the Ayer Cut”. The news may come as a blow to fans, especially following the release of the Snyder Cut of Justice League.

There may be a valid reason for the studio’s decision to not pursue the Ayer Cut; David Ayer submitted his final version of Suicide Squad, something Zack Snyder was unable to do with Justice League. The former never completed his version after leaving early due to a family tragedy.

The Ayer/Suicide Squad situation is slightly different, with Ayer turning in his final version of the film. The studio then decided to re-think the film’s direction following the underperformance of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. This led to the extensive reshoots and revisions of the final version of Suicide Squad.

As said earlier – Snyder never got to complete his version of his movie or his vision for the DC Universe. His decision to resurrect his version of Justice League is a more personal venture than that of Ayer’s. Do you think the Ayer Cut should be released or do you think the studio should move forward?

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Rachel Williams

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A comics blogger based in Aberdeen. Enthusiastic about wine, all things nerdy, and unicorns.

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