Snyder Cut Reactions

Snyder Cut Reactions, The embargo has officially lifted on ‘Zack Snyders Justice League’ and…drum roll please…Critics are saying positive things about it.

Those who have seen the film are really into it. The positive responses come as a complete 180 for those who seen the original 2017 release of the film. Many critics have praised the film for its more faithful depiction of the DC heroes as well as a stronger plot that hooks viewer.

Although many are on board with this new edit of the film, there are still several people who have seen it who are less than impressed.

With reviews from critics flooding in, Warner Bros. decided to release the second trailer for the film dropping on the 18th of March.

The trailer shows several frames of new footage from the Snyder cut; including a better look at Darkside, what looks like an extended version of the battle sequence from the start of the film, featuring a Olympian and a Green lantern. The Black suit Superman also makes an appearance of course looking cool as hell and we get various characters voicing over the action unfolding in the trailer.

Overall the film will be interesting regardless of the result, either being the masterpiece fans have been clamouring for or will add gasoline to the dumpster fire that was ‘Justice League’ 2017. You can find out where the film will be available to stream in the UK here.

If You have any thoughts about Snyder Cut Reactions then leave them in the comments below!

More news about Zack Snyder’s Justice League here ‘JUSTICE LEAGUE TRAILER REVEALS DEATHSTROKE’S NEW LOOK‘ on the site.

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Massimo Castelli

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Football Fan, Comic book and movie Nerd and an Aspiring Journalist, feels like a winning combination, Right? Right!?

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