Gigawatt Meets Marty and DocComic Reviews 

Review – Transformers/Back To The Future Part 1

Gigawatt Meets Marty and Doc
Transformers/Back To The Future – Gigawatt meets Marty and Doc Brown

Review –  Transformers/Back To The Future Part 1

Publisher: IDW Publishing

Writer: Cavan Scott

Art: Juan Samu

Colouring: David Garcia Cruz

Release Date: December 2020

Going Back in Time!

What do you get when you mix a transforming alien robot with a time travelling 1980’s sports car? Gigawatt, that’s what. For the first time ever two major franchises get together and boy, is it a fun ride! Transformers/Back To The Future takes place exactly as the first film finishes, we see Marty and Doc Brown travelling back to Marty’s house. There’s just one problem: Decepticons are on their tail.

Hiding in the shadows, Rumble and Ravage are on the hunt for Optimus Prime. Instead they find the time-travelling duo as Marty first jumps through time when being chased by those bad guys in the van. You know the ones? The guys who asked Doc Brown to steal plutonium for a bomb, only for Doc to double-cross them and make his time machine? Yeah, those guys.

Great Scott!

Anyhow, Marty is dropped back home and decides to go for a kip. Woken by his dad, he’s wondering what is going on and why his family wants him to rush out the door. When he gets outside, he sees a different world standing before him. Why are there giant robots? Why does Hill Valley look like a construction site? And why is Biff Tannen here? When Marty upsets Starscream by throwing a trashcan lid at him, he runs for his life. Thankfully he happens upon a skateboard and manages to escape, albeit for a little while.

With Starscream hot on his tail, Marty is thrown to the ground. On the verge of being blasted to smithereens, he’s helpless. That is until the DeLorean comes rocketing out of nowhere, knocking Starscream into a building entitled ‘Jones Fertilizer’. (Boy, does this scene seem awfully familiar?)

Overjoyed, Marty runs over to the time-travelling sports car expecting to be greeted by Doc. There’s just one teeny tiny problem… this isn’t the DeLorean that Doc built. Transforming before his very eyes, the DeLorean is now standing. How is this possible? Unfortunately, dear reader, both you and I will have to find out next time! Gah, cursed “To Be Continued…” scenes!

Marty meets Gigawatt for the very first time.
Marty meet Gigawatt. Gigawatt meet Marty.

Whoa… This is Heavy!

It appears when writing reviews I have a trend. What is that trend? I hear you ask. Simple: I enjoyed this comic. The story was engaging, the art was phenomenal. Thanks go to David Garcia Cruz for the colours and Juan Samu for the art. The first panel was directly taken from the film, and it felt like I was watching it again. The Autobots and Decipticons were their 80’s selves, which we all know is the best versions of our beloved Transformers.

Written by Cavan Scott, it’s fair to say that he knows his stuff! He writes the characters perfectly and even has Starscream say a famous line from the Back to The Future film, emulating Biff Tannen’s various versions throughout the trilogy. It really was a joy to read.

Starscream bonks Biff Tannen on the head whole Marty tries to escape with his parents.
Starscream is not happy with Biff Tannen.

More Than Meets The Eye

Overall, and despite my saying it for my umpteenth comics review, I really did enjoy Transformers/Back To The Future. It was like IDW Publishing had an idea to plant a story within the trilogy that makes enough sense but overall doesn’t ruin the next two films. I honestly could imagine this is what happened even before Doc comes back from 2015. Also, the addition of the Transformers in this universe worked. Initially I thought it would be Doc and Marty travelling into a timeline where the Autobots and Decepticons exist, but no, they already do!

If you’re a fan of both franchises then certainly pick this up and add it to your collection. Also, if you’d like to read more reviews on Transformers comics, you can here.

Please don’t hesitate to leave a comment down below and give us your rating of the comic if you’ve also read it.
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