Review – All Guts No Glory #1
Review – All Guts No Glory #1
Written By Ralph Tedesco
Artwork By Guillermo Fajardo
Colours By Walter Pereyra
Letters By Taylor Esposito
Cover Art By Mike Krome (cover A)
Published By Zenescope Entertainment
Release Date: January 26, 2022
Issue #1
36 Pages of Content!
Unbeknownst to the general population, there are highly trained military teams who bravely protect us from dozens of species of monsters that we don’t know exist! And then there are the guys who clean it all up… Craig and Jimmy are those guys. And while Craig has accepted his lot in life, Jimmy, on the other hand, desperately wishes to one day become an elite monster hunter himself. But when Craig and Jimmy stumble onto a charming vampire named Sara, they’ll be forced to decide if they should risk everything to help save her soul.
Written By Ralph Tedesco
In a world where monsters are real this comic mixes a Ghostbuster vibe with a little damage control as we see the underclass of the monster-hunting business. Craig and Jimmy are cleaners for a secret government department that takes out monsters. Jimmy, still in high school dreams of one day becoming a hunter and studies the manual Craig has given him. Everything changes though when the hunters find a young girl that has just been turned into a vampire and Jimmy feels he has to save her. Will they be able to turn her back within 72 hours or are they now being hunted themselves?
Tedesco develops a unique world of monsters looking at those who must lean the mess that the heroes leave behind.
Artwork By Guillermo Fajardo
Fajardo’s work, particularly on the monsters shine through here. As the story moves from monsters to victims his work softens slightly to show the more usual thin waisted, buxom characters that have become synonymous with Zenotrope.
Overall Thoughts
There’s just enough of an idea here to make the mini-series work. The time element adds pace both it will be interesting to see how the one-dimensional hunters and monsters evolve over the next few issues as they are currently single-syllable grunts. Worth a punt if you like Hellboy or Fright Night.
[yasr_multiset setid=1] [yasr_visitor_multiset setid=1]If you enjoyed our review, look out for All Guts No Glory #1 at your Local Comic Shop
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