Review – The Silver Coin #8
Review – The Silver Coin #8
Writer: Matthew Rosenberg
Artist: Michael Walsh
Publisher: Image Comics
Release Date: 19th January 2022
Variant Artist: Tyler Boss
Rising and Falling in America
When an executive at a 1960s stock brokerage acquires a collection of antiquities, the gap between the haves and the have-nots becomes painfully clear. When an executive at a 1960s stock brokerage acquires a collection of antiquities, the gap between the haves and the have-nots becomes painfully clear. The price of THE SILVER COIN keeps going up, even as the fortune of its owner plummets.
Writer: Matthew Rosenberg
Rosenberg takes the cursed coin to 60s New York where an old office cleaner watches one of the rich brokers buy a collection of valuable coins. The buyer chats with the cleaner and the curse starts to eat into the cleaner’s head as he obsesses over the coin as his life starts to fall apart.
Rosenberg uses capitalism as a sharp knife here, showing how avarice and desire fool many into obsessing over possessions and wealth. The final pages as usual provide the needed sting in the tale as the curse enacts its thirst for blood.
Artist: Michael Walsh
Walsh, as usual, ramps the tension up panel by panel, page by page with perfect depictions of the dealer and the cleaner decent over desire. The shocking images of the “bag” and the “lorry” are perfectly placed on the page and the use of the tight uniform nine panels speed up the story before the crescendo of full pages splashes on pages 12, 21 and 23 have the needed impact.
Overall Thoughts
This fast-paced and quick to read tale fits well within the anthology of the eponymous coin. By coveting the coin the cleaner mirrors the class struggles as we all strive to move up the ladder without looking down to see how we might fall if we slip.
[yasr_multiset setid=1] [yasr_visitor_multiset setid=1]If you enjoyed our review, look out for The Silver Coin #8 at your Local Comic Shop
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