Review – Batman: Reptilian #1

Review – Batman: Reptilian #1

Writer: Garth Ennis

Artist: Liam Sharp

Publisher: DC Comics

Release Date: June 23, 2021

Variant Covers


What strikes fear into the hearts of those who terrorize Gotham? It used to be Batman, but something far more frightening than a mere man stalks the shadows—and it’s after Gotham’s villains. How savage must a monster be to haunt the dreams of monsters? Pick up this dark and bone-chilling tale by comics legends Garth Ennis and Liam Sharp to find out!

Writer: Garth Ennis

Ennis gives us a darker, angrier and more brooding Batman with almost everybody and everything pissing him off. This Batman doesn’t kill (yet) but seems to have to keep repeating this to himself and others. At the start of the issue we see a greasy lawyer getting a rapist boxer out of charges by getting Batman’s evidence thrown out, as he boasts to the press batman calmly walks up and taunts his client until he attacks him and is left in a lot of pain as a result.

Back at the Batcave, Bruce and Alfred are chatting when a report comes in that Riddler and Penguin are dead as well as several of their henchmen. Riddler’s been torn almost in half and Penguin’s nailed to the roof. One unfortunate hench has been inserted into the body cavity of another one.

Batman follows the clues and tracks down the Riddler’s top goon, who recounts a Legion of Doom-style meeting where they normally plot to kill Batman going wrong and everyone turning on each other.

Artist: Liam Sharp

Sharp’s work here is stunning. Fully painted images and panels show off brushstrokes and energy sometimes lacking in digitally drawn comics. Each amazingly painted image bring gravitas to Batman, a giant shape brooding over anyone stupid enough to get in the way.

Goons look like tiny midgets and expressions and reactions are heightened through Sharp’s brush strokes.

My one bugbear is making the Joker look like a Blue Meanie from Yellow Submarine.

Overall Thoughts

Ennis sets the dark tones for this adults-only book early on with the confrontation with the boxer with the book then ramping up the tension as each panel and page unfolds, balanced with Sharp’s amazing artwork.

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Michael Lennox

Written by 

T'was a cold dark night in East Kilbride... and below the roundabouts, something old and ancient began to shudder awake. The world would rue the day that it gave the Green Jaguar comics to read!

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