Review – Buzzard #1-#3 Kickstarter

Review – Buzzard #1-#3 Kickstarter

Publisher: Wolf Cave Comics
Writer: Andrea Wolf
Artist: Ezequiel

Kickstarter for goodies and issues

Warning Mature themes and language

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Na-na-nana-na-na-naa BUZ-ZARD! Na-na-nana-na-na-naa BON-KERS!  Na-na-nana-na-na-naa BACK-IT! BACK-IIIT!

 It’s a crazy world out there and you know it. But madness is fun! So hop on the looney wagon and step in the muddy shoes of comics’ most obnoxious and captivating anti-hero: the blade-armed teen assassin known to fans and foes alike as Buzzard!

OK, picture this: London,  England. The shiniest beacon of modern civilisat-pffAHAHA…Sorry, sorry, I thought I could write that with a straight face. Welcome to the shitshow that is the United Kingdom’s capital, where slums and insane wealth are only a couple of pubs apart and people will do anything to numb themselves from society’s unrelenting absurdities. Sound familiar? We might come from the same planet.

In the midst of rich folks flirting with Nazism for cheap thrills, scientists bending Ethics to chase cool new frontiers and a general public either too hopeless or too petty to make anything better, a scream echoes across the land: “make our lives make sense!” And from the depths of a cannabis-induced brain fog, rises Buzzard’s reply: “Who, me ?!?” Orphan, drug-dealer, martial-artist-for-hire, temporary amputee, lab rat, super-assassin and idiotic, loving brother, Buzzard is the best friend you’ll pray to never meet. 

If that intro from Andre didn’t work here’s the normal one…

Buzzard! is the coming of age story of 16-years-old Erik Lincoln, who gleefully navigates his deprived surroundings, cracking skulls for money and shrugging off the fact society doesn’t care one lick about him. Known through London’s underbelly as Buzzard, Erik makes up most of his values on the go. But behind all the bravado he has one clear purpose in life: helping out his little sister Mattie. 


Andrea Wolf is a channelling his inner Alan Moore in this issue. It could be the 1980s or it could be 2021, with football hooligans, fascism and ultra-violence. The tongue in cheek patriotic style of Erik is quite sad but spot on. A jingoistic patriot that spouts words but not facts, harking for a bygone era that never existed. Brexit, COVID and politics in England make this on point. I bump into characters in this comic all the time unfortunately they are not antihero nihilists just misinformed idiots.

The character of Kal is much more interesting a washed up, drugged up hitman who takes Buzzard under his wings and as a result turns him into a double amputee after a scrap with some even more fascist English Nazis.

It’s nuts, it’s weird and for some reason it works.

Bu issue #2 Erik is stretching his talent slicing up henchmen and low level Nazis with his new elbow blades. meanwhile, Maddie is concerned and annoyed about her brother. Kal is also annoyed at Erik for not taking it seriously and calling him sensei. Can Erik stay sober enough to take out the Bald Batman who stalks the streets and who is the Pit?

Issue #3 of Buzzard moves us up a notch. The Eggheads meet Maddie and get stones. Erik get a contract hit for an Irish bomber and flirts with a flight attendant and gets drunk to celebrate getting her number. Kal gives up drugs to go to his brother’s wedding in Cardiff and the Nazis are looking for a bioengineer.. hmm I winder who they will pick?


Ezequiel uses black and white artwork well. The violence seems subdued as you can’t see the blood and guts apart from in your head. I always think that helps. The 2000AD meets Roy of the Rovers style of art is cheeky and easy to read. The panels that depict the quieter moments use shadows and perspective to draw they eye and give he comic a grand feel.

Each issue the artwork and characters become stronger and more confident, the full page artwork is stunning and deserves a wider readership.

Overall Thoughts

Kickstarter comics are now pushing the envelope that bid publishers won’t and I can see someone like Boom or Heavy Metal picking up Buzzard as a title to mainstream it a bit more. If you like Zenith, Wanted, Kick-Ass or V for Vendetta you’ll want to pledge a £13 and get into the action. High scores all round.

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Big thanks out to Andrea for the free preview to allow us to review – Buzzard #1 -#3 from Wolf Cave Comics!

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Michael Lennox

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T'was a cold dark night in East Kilbride... and below the roundabouts, something old and ancient began to shudder awake. The world would rue the day that it gave the Green Jaguar comics to read!

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