Review – Chicken Devil #4
Review – Chicken Devil #4
Writer: Brian Buccellato
Artist: Hayden Sherman
Lettering: Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou
Publisher: Aftershock Comics
Release Date: 2nd February 2022
4. The Chicken Is In The Details…
The earth- (and glass-) shattering final chapter of volume one! On the heels of his first big victory, Mitchell Moss is thrown a major curveball that has him scrambling to finish what he started so he can move on with his life. But how do you un-break bad after you’ve gone on a kill-cray rampage?
Writer: Brian Buccellato
After the rollercoaster of Issue #3, where Mitchell dead family turned up alive and well, how will Buccellato close off the first mini-series of Chicken Devil? As chaotically as possible. Mitchell hides his dark secret from his family but when the police turn up at his house asking questions it sends him to prison for a heartfel chat with his mother.
The most anarchic section of the book are pages 16 and 17, where Sharon gets a promotion to assistant manager while Luka and Mitchell have a text argument. Otsmane-Elhaou’s lettering addsseamlessly to this scene with emojis and Mitchell correcting Luka’s grammar while threating to kill him adds energy to what could be a couple of dead air pages.
I think Buccellato has really tapped into a rich vein of something weird with reluctant antihero Mitchell and I’m looking forward to the next adventure as Mitchell grows his skills and abilities.
Artist: Hayden Sherman
As with the previous issues Sherman’s artwork is a perfect vehicle for Buccellato’s script. Mitchell’s facial expressions (even when under the Chicken Devil) adds perfectly to the crammed action on each page.
Overall Thoughts
This series was was clucking brilliant! The reluctant antihero, a drug war and of course hot wings adds enough fresh content to brighten the storyline. I can’t wait to see more variants on this theme with a serial killing donut baker or an Uber driven by day and a dominatrix by night etc…This series is so hot it’s almost off the Scoville scale.
[yasr_multiset setid=1] [yasr_visitor_multiset setid=1]If you enjoyed our review, look out for Chicken Devil #4 at your Local Comic Shop
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