Review – Cold Dead War #4

Review – Cold Dead War #4

Review – Cold Dead War #4

Warning: Mature Readers only! (Extreme Language and Violence)

Writer: George C. Romero

Artwork: German Ponce

Published by: Heavy Metal Magazine

Available: 22nd September 2021


It’s the last stand of The Cold Dead – America’s covert zombie pilot squad – as a mission to infiltrate a Nazi stronghold goes sideways, and nothing less than worldwide freedom and liberty are at stake. Live forever! Never say die!

Check out BGCP’s previous reviews here

Writer: George C. Romero

It’s been a few months since I last get to review the utterly bonkers Cold Dead War from Heavy Metal. There are some articles online that show that an issue arose in 2020 between the estates of one of the creators and the publisher that has led to a sporadic and extended production run for this comic. Top that with the first few issues selling out at retailers and distributers this was looking like a great run for Heavy Metal and Romero… So, did it deliver?

We pick up after the previous issue where the crew of The Pacific Pearl found a whole town on Nazi’s in Paraguay. Walking around town they find a seemingly normal looking town but a closer look shows that everybody living there are not what they seem. Infiltrating a party that night Lance and Agent find that the Nazi’s are unveiling their own Zombie army to their loyal followers and threaten that they will be used to destroy America.

Torturing a random Nazi the team find out that a two-stage plan is already taking place to destroy the Panama Canal and set off a nuclear bomb, with the Nazi Zombies wiping out any survivors.

I’ll leave the last ten pages for you to read the spectacular, weird and wonderful series.

Romero throws everything at the wall in this issue and it all sticks, with decapitations, explosions, sexual tension and…Zombies a-go-go! It’s not going to win a Pulitzer Prize for Fiction but who the hell cares?

Artwork: German Ponce

I’m a little disappointed in the artwork Ponce developed for this issue, it seems hurried and completely at the standard of the previous three issues. But saying that it still manages to convey the bonkers script. Have a look at the image above as a crane is slammed through the window of a ship bridge slicing and dicing the Nazis still looks bloody disgusting, as it should.

Overall Thoughts

For those that said Heavy Metal couldn’t turn a short movie from the 1970s into a cohesive comic, I can say you’ve underestimated the zeitgeist for WWII zombies killing Nazis in ever-increasingly violent ways.

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Michael Lennox

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T'was a cold dark night in East Kilbride... and below the roundabouts, something old and ancient began to shudder awake. The world would rue the day that it gave the Green Jaguar comics to read!

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