Review – The Nice House On The Lake #4

Review – The Nice House On The Lake #4

Review – The Nice House On The Lake #4

Written by: James Tynion IV

Art by: Alvaro Martinez Bueno

Colours by: Jordie Bellaire

Letters by: Andworld Design

Published by: DC Black Label

Available: 8th September 2021

Variant Covers: Tiffany Turrill , Alvaro Martinez Bueno

“Hang Dong”

A terrifying truth about the house is revealed!
David wants nothing more than to make his fellow residents of the House laugh. He’s the Comedian, right? That’s what he does. But if no one’s in the mood to laugh, then perhaps it’s time for him to perform the other function of comedy: to tell his audience an unbelievable truth…

Would you like to see our reviews of issues 1-3?

Writer: James Tynion IV

David the comedian is front and centre in this issue giving what happened over the next few weeks as the people trapped in the house come to terms with living in their gilded cage. David flashes back to a few years earlier when at Sarah’s birthday he and a faceless friend (actually faceless!) discussed a girl he liked. Walter steps in at the end of the discussion when he decides there is more to David than the goofy comedian.

Back at the house, David narrates through a new secret skill the house has fresh supplies are delivered if you write them down on a notepad. You can pretty much ask for anything (as you can see from David’s room below) and the gang settle into ordering weird stuff and pretending the world hasn’t ended. David pushes the gang to try to “Hang Dong” as it’s the end of the world and nothing matters.

But David also notices that most people are avoiding answering how they travelled to the house and Molly has shrunk back due to the house ignoring her notepad requests.

David will finish his act with a stunning display but are you ready for it?

Tynion takes the class joker and turns him into the therapist and psychologist that the group doesn’t want but ultimately needs. This issue breaks the doldrums of the past few issues where the trapped birds banged against the bars of the cage. It leaves the readers with some difficult questions about memory, life and what is living?

Spot the comics?

Art by: Alvaro Martinez Bueno

Bueno and Bellaire twist Tynion’s uncomfortable script into a horror laden feast for your eyes. Bellaire’s colouring an underwater melody of blues and greens on some pages with an inferno of reds and yellows showing the future of the house. The scruffy David comes alive with a few lines from Bueno slipping from the shadows of the other to front and centre performing to a crowd in the shocking finale of the issue.

The melted face of the “friend” David remember is brave but works so well in a series that promotes flesh tornadoes.

Overall Thoughts

The final few pages of the issue will leave you gasping in horror out loud and ramps the tension up to 11. David has forced the group to answer all of the questions each of them have been avoiding but what will be the result of this. The master of horror Tynion needs professional help for penning this disturbing tale, but by using the title as therapy hopefully, we all can pick the scabs of our own mental scars?

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Michael Lennox

Written by 

T'was a cold dark night in East Kilbride... and below the roundabouts, something old and ancient began to shudder awake. The world would rue the day that it gave the Green Jaguar comics to read!

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