Review – Harley Quinn 2021 Annual

Review - Harley Quinn 2021 Annual

Review – Harley Quinn 2021 Annual

Writer: Stephanie Phillips

Artist: Marco Failla, Darko Lafuente, Jon Sommariva

Publisher: DC Comics

Release Date: September 1, 2021

Variant Cover: Derrick Chew

This Shadow That Hangs

Kevin here! You know, Harley’s sidekick, and your favourite new character? I know Harley usually does these solicits, but she’s a little tied up at the moment. Like, literally. See, there’s a new villain in Gotham calling himself Keepsake, and you know how Gotham villains are: definite psychological issues. So Keepsake kidnapped Harley while trying to convince her to be his partner and help take over the city. Now, I don’t mean to imply that Harley’s not capable all on her own, but this time she needs a little help. This means I’m teaming up with Solomon Grundy so we can visit Gotham’s worst criminals and figure out where Harley might be. Plus, a major new Bat-villain!

Writer: Stephanie Phillips

It’s a brave comic that doesn’t show its main character for the majority of the comic and this just about pulls it off. Kevin starts the issue battling with Mr Freeze. He then Narrates the majority of the comic with a tale of Quinn being kidnapped by the ex-goon Keepsake, a cleptomaniac who steals gadgets and gizmo’s from any villain he worked for.

He has an old Freeze Gun, HeatWave’s Gun etc.. etc… and after Kevin meets with just about every Bat Villian he ends the trail tracking her down in a reproduction of the old Ace Chemicals.

Phillips shows off throughout the issues with tonnes of Easter Eggs and nods to historical characters, it sits much closer to the Schumaker Batman of the 90s or the West Batman of the 60s than the modern tale.

Artist: Marco Failla, Darko Lafuente, Jon Sommariva

The artistic team create a cartoonish style for the issue with bright colours and lots of zany action. The Solomon Grundy and Kevin team up work mostly due to the over the top drawing style. The pages and artwork bring a smile to you when you read them.

Overall Thoughts

It’s a silly but harmless story with a focus on the Kevin and Grundy dynamic. When Harley is in the comic she shines and the ludicrous new villain Keepsake never really feels like a threat, more of an annoyance.

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Michael Lennox

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T'was a cold dark night in East Kilbride... and below the roundabouts, something old and ancient began to shudder awake. The world would rue the day that it gave the Green Jaguar comics to read!

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