Review – Harley Quinn: The Animated Series – The Eat, Bang, Kill Tour #1

Review - Harley Quinn: The Animated Series - The Eat, Bang, Kill Tour #1

Review – Harley Quinn: The Animated Series – The Eat, Bang, Kill Tour #1

Writer: Tee Franklin

Artist: Max Sarin

Publisher: DC Comics

Release Date: September 1, 2021

Variant Covers TBC: Michael Cho, Davi

Watch Harley Quinn on All4

Issue #1

Harley and Ivy are on the road trip of the century! Following the wedding disaster of the decade, Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy end up on the run from Commissioner Gordon and the GCPD! But as fun as all that sounds, Ivy still worries over leaving Kite Man at the altar…Luckily, Harley’s got the perfect scheme to shake her out of her wedding-day blues!

Writer: Tee Franklin

Franklin starts the comic on high adrenaline, taking place mere seconds after the end of the successful Animated TV Show. With Harley and Ivy on the run after the disastrous wedding to Kite Man, the lovebirds are on the run the Gotham PD and Gordon on their tail.

Ivy is reflective about her failed romance and almost marriage to Kite Man but Harley keeps pushing her for details. Dr Quinzel shows up and tells Harley not to push her but Harley ignores her alter-ego and presses her. Thankfully they can escape Gordon up a hastily grown tree and escape back to Harley’s Secret Abandoned Mall Lair.

Harley’s keen to start the honeymoon, but Ivy falls apart in the washrooms thinking of all the lives she has hurt. There’s a really tender scene showing the newlyweds realising that they finally have each other but where will they hide now that Gordon has made them the most wanted in Gotham?

Tee’s life and cartoon-like style suit the plot with lots of little in-jokes and nods to the TV show.

Artist: Max Sarin

Sarin follows the style of art seen on the show allowing fans of the animated series as well as the comic fans to pick up the style and tone immediately. It’s bright, wacky and gloriously mad.

Overall Thoughts

This is the comic, of the cartoon, of the comic… of the cartoon and you will never please all the fans with this title. But, there’s not too much happening except that for Harley and Ivy fans this is the exact type of issue they have been crying out for showing what went on after the chaotic marriage ceremony.

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Michael Lennox

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T'was a cold dark night in East Kilbride... and below the roundabouts, something old and ancient began to shudder awake. The world would rue the day that it gave the Green Jaguar comics to read!

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