Review – M.O.M: Mother of Madness #2
Review – M.O.M: Mother of Madness #2
Writers: Emilia Clarke, Marguerite Bennett
Artist: Leila Leiz
Cover Art: Jo Ratcliffe
Publisher: Image Comics
Available: 25th August 2021
Variant Covers: Tula Lotay, Jo Ratcliffe
Issue #2
Game of Thrones superstar EMILIA CLARKE returns with an OVERSIZED THREE-ISSUE MINISERIES! Maya’s powers (and popularity!) explode! Bath time’s at 7 p.m., bedtime’s at 8 p.m., and crime-fighting never sleeps when a villain out of Maya’s shadowy past comes to collect. Can she catch criminals and be home before the school run?!
Writers: Emilia Clarke, Marguerite Bennett
Following on from Issue #1 we find Maya filling in the gaps in her years and life while telling her friend Benny about her powers and how they work. Amazingly he has friends who can help her design a super-suit, learn to master her emotions and uses pharmacology to help improve and develop her use of the powers. Maya also reflects on her two main life influencers, Tiff and Harvey. Tiff encouraged and supported her while Harvey manipulated and used her to get money and power.
Suddenly she has everything she ever wanted control of her powers, a great group of friends and she is making a difference but more flashbacks show how her mother is torturing the poor and unwanted to somehow replicate Maya’s powers.
Artist: Leila Leiz
Leiz’s artwork is perfect for this crammed story and her use of double-page spreads and montages to show exposition within the story are highlights of the issue. All this can’t save the confusing script and at the end of the issue, you are more likely to feel sick than excited for the finale next month.

Overall Thoughts
This issue is the mother of all messes, there are too many of everything from flashbacks, narrations, fourth-wall-breaking to friends who have unlimited resources and talent to solve all of her problems. There is a story here but it needed to be stretched over maybe 10 issues and heavily controlled by someone with strong talent and the ability to shape a story cohesively. This could have empowered many women (and men) through its strong message of chaos and growth but it’s so hard to read that unfortunately many will discard the message because of its execution.
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