Review – Radiant Black #6

Review – Radiant Black #6

Writer: Kyle Higgins & Cherish Chen

Artist: David Lafuente

Colourist: Miquel Muerto

Letterer: Becca Carey

Editor: Michael Busuttil

Publisher: Image Comics

Release Date: July 21st, 2021

Read BGCP reviews of the previous issues here

Variant Covers:  Kira Okamoto, David Lafuente and Doaly


Who’s under the helmet of Radiant Red? Radiant Black #6 promises fans a red-hot new story that challenges everything you think you know about the man beneath the mask!

Issue #6 of the breakout bestselling series Radiant Black by Kyle Higgins and Marcelo Costa will treat fans to a special one-shot, an in-universe story featuring the artwork of legendary David “Darko” Lafuente (Ultimate Spider-man, Superman) and guest co-writer Cherish Chen.

Writers: Kyle Higgens & Cherish Chen

After the cliffhanging issue #5, Higgens brings in Chen to help jump back to the origin story of the mysterious Radiant Red. Satomi Sone is having a Thanksgiving meal with her wider family and husband to be Owen, chatting about their up and coming marriage, but things seem to get darker as they drive home.

At their house, Lloyd from their local MK bank is waiting for Owen and it becomes clear that he’s been hiding money troubles from Satomi as well as returning to gambling, something he swore he’d never do. Furious, Satomi storms out t try to get to the bottom of exactly how much debt they have when she hears a noise outside. In the sky, something has exploded into various colours (the Radiants?) and she is engulfed by the Red Hole.

Testing her powers she finds that she can absorb objects and turn them into armour, but finding out the level of Owen’s debt might just push Satomi into things she thought she would never do.

Chen and Higgens flashback issue works to add context to the last five issues with Black taking on Red after a bank robbery that leads to Nathan’s near-death and Marshall taking the suit. The desperation to balance her love for Owen with his actions is best characterised by the argument where he flips the blame to her for daring to check on his actions. when she finally reacts to him, he backs down and uses love as a defence forcing her over the edge.

Artist: David Lafuente

Lafuente takes over the pencils for this issue and immediately makes an impact. Satomi carries her burden with her and as the issue progresses the invisible responsibility of her useless husband seems to push her down, with real weight. Her transformation panel is stunningly drawn showing a mix of pain and awe as she quickly starts to understand her power. there’s no reluctance like Nathan.

Overall Thoughts

Trying to humanise a villain that almost killed the main character is tricky. Too far and you can alienate your audience as you encourage them to root for them. There are still questions over why Satomi acted so violent against Nathan and future issues might fill in the blacks but anyway let’s sit back and wait for the big showdown in Issue 7.

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Michael Lennox

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T'was a cold dark night in East Kilbride... and below the roundabouts, something old and ancient began to shudder awake. The world would rue the day that it gave the Green Jaguar comics to read!

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