Review – The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Review - The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Review – The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Writers – Michael Mendheim, Mike Kennedy & Sean Jaffee

Artwork – Simon Bisley

Colours – Chad Fidler

Publisher – Heavy Metal Comics


So as a bit of nostalgia, we take a look back at this 2014 release from Heavy Metal. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. It is an apocalyptic tale of good versus evil and the descent into the underworld.

Adam Cahill is a defender of the Holy seals which contain the End of Days. But when his wife is murdered… He must make the ultimate sacrifice to stop the end of the world.


Gritty and dark. And that’s just the storyline! Van Helsing meets Constantine in this behemoth of a book from Heavy Metal. The writing team of Mendheim, Kennedy and Jaffee take us on a journey of biblical proportions. Literally. And as result, we are given an action packed book from start to finish. This is the type of story you could see being picked up and made into a Hollywood blockbuster. So don’t be surprised if you see this some time in the future.


So as with any Heavy Metal comic, it’s aimed at a more mature audience. The artwork is predominately dark, in keeping with the storyline. And it has graphic violence and gratuitous nudity galore. The work of Simon Bisley and Chad Fidler greatly accentuate this. So if you are not a fan of either, this may not be the book for you.


Even though The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse was released in 2014, it stands the test of time. A great depiction of the battle between good and evil and the journey into Hell. The artwork certainly compliments the storyline in this respect. And fans of Heavy Metal comics should definitely add this to their collection, if they haven’t already.

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Andy MacGregor

Written by 

Born and raised in the Shire of Dumbarton, on the bonnie banks of Loch Lomond. I discovered comics at a young age and then life became instantly better

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