Review – The Swamp Thing #10Comic Reviews 

Review – The Swamp Thing #10

Review – The Swamp Thing #10

Review – The Swamp Thing #10

Written by Ram V

Art by: Mike Perkins

Colourist Mike Spicer

Letters Aditya Bidikar

Published By DC Comics

Available: 8th December 2021

Variant Cover: Brian Bolland

Review – The Swamp Thing #10
Another Stonking Bolland Cover!!


As the battle between Levi and Jacob comes to a head, the future of the Green—and so of all living things—is embroiled in existential conflict. And there are those who have learned to look for windows of opportunity in conflict. The true nature of Prescot’s machinations will become apparent even as their actions will put into question the very nature of the world we live in.

Writer: Ram V

Finally, after 10 incredible issues, Levi finally understands why he was chosen to become the avatar of the green. However, his brother Jacob and the scumbags at Prescot have other ideas. Much of the issue is again within Levi’s mind showing his existential battle with both his decisions to leave his family in the past and the impact that had on his family. With seconds to spare before his and his brother bodies are destroyed by Prescot Levi embraces him.

Ram has spent a lot of this series looking at the wider concept of mental trauma and guilt creating scars that the Swamp Thing has grown out of and the build-up has been worth it all for what was originally the end of the series, now just the end of the story arc. His Swamp Thing was the most complicated and angst-ridden to date allowing the myth of the avatar to grow beyond all the previous writers.

Art & Colours: Mikes Perkins and Spicer

The dynamic duo of Perkins and Spicer again shows how easily they have turned V’s existential script into possible award-winning artwork. Perkins signature two-page title spread has been the pinnacle of each issue dragging even the laziest reader into the story. But without the psychedelic colouring of Spicer, his images wouldn’t have looked anywhere as good. The high point of the series was the MRS scan spreads from the early issues but that seems a disservice to every page, image and panel they have grafted. If you want to see who this trio have worked cohesively then look no further than page 15’s inner-thoughts discussions between the various avatars of the green.

The amazing Bolland cover is limited edition as well and will go be sought after so get it while it’s hot.

Overall Thoughts

I bumped into V and Perkins at the Thought Bubble Conference in Harrowgate last month and both seemed to point to the other for the greatness of this series, humbly accepting praise in an uncomfortable manner from a geeky fan. Their work will be celebrated over the additional issues announced for this title but all I can say is what a way to finish 2021, that last panel is perfection.

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Michael Lennox

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T'was a cold dark night in East Kilbride... and below the roundabouts, something old and ancient began to shudder awake. The world would rue the day that it gave the Green Jaguar comics to read!

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