Chasing The Dragon #1Comic Reviews 

Review – Chasing The Dragon #1

Chasing The Dragon #1
Review – Chasing The Dragon #1

Written by Denton J. Tipton

Painted by Menton3

Published by Heavy Metal

Released in May, 2021


Chasing The Dragon #1 is the first trip in a brand new comic series written by New York Times Bestseller, Denton J. Tipton with painted artwork from Menton3

In a bleak and haunting existence such as this, sometimes the only solitude from slavery and sacrilege is in the form of a dragon’s blood to take the edge off. But what other alchemic qualities does this inchor contain? With those secrets chambered in high society, it’s up to a discourteous concubine and an apprentice of alchemy to shed light on the shadowlands. 


Firstly, for a story set in a world of addictive alchemy, magical monsters and mischievous magic, I can think of no one better to mercilessly splay a dark paint palette across the pages with grim and dreadfully intricate artwork than Menton3. The eyes are the windows to the soul and these eyes have seen some otherworldly trauma, leaving behind only a shred of soulless elegance in an otherwise smudged existence. 

Chasing The Dragon #1

So much of the dark artwork (dark arts if you will) is reminiscent of Mordor from Tolkien lore but with even more sharp edges! I wouldn’t be surprised or unhappy for that matter, if they shared the same universe in alternate realms.


With Breaking Bad-like stakes set against the backdrop of a black-market Mordor, Tipton presents viscerally fresh storytelling that will excite and shock avid fans of both fantasy and realism; fiction and non-fiction. 

Chasing The Dragon #1

Understandably, when building a whole mythical world of engaging and seasoned characters in a single comic issue, you need to rely on some expositional backstory that can come off as forced. What Tipton introduces here is enough to keep the world spinning but its inhabitants are a little unbalanced and dissonant in their dialogue. 


In conclusion, Chasing The Dragon #1 offers a taste of dragon blood to its reader and it’s a traumatic trip to be sure. With haunting visuals and anxiety inducing askewity throughout, this’ll scratch the itch for fans of dark fantasies. If for nothing else, the artwork is gorgeously grotesque enough to engross yourself in. 

Chasing The Dragon #1

Personally, I’d like to know more about what I’m getting myself into before I chase this particular dragon. 

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Let us know in the comments your thoughts on Chasing The Dragon #1, your favourite dark fantasy paintings (check out The Fairy Raid, it’s awesome) and most importantly, don’t do drugs kids, leave it to the dragon slayers.

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Benjamin Milne

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I don't know what I'm doing but I'm doing it with naps inbetween.

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