Review – Crime Syndicate #4
Review – Crime Syndicate #4
Writer: Andy Schmidt
Artist: Bryan Hitch, Dexter Vines, Kieran McKeown
Colourist: Steve Oliff
Letterer: Rob Leigh
Publisher: DC Comics
Release Date: 2nd June 2021
Check out our review of issue #3 before you read on.
The world has been saved by the…Crime Syndicate?! With the Starro invaders vanquished, what’s next for Earth-3’s most notorious saviours? Can loose cannons Emerald Knight, Quick, and Atomica keep their cool? Will Ultraman accept Superwoman and Owlman’s tantalizing offer? And what is Alexander Luthor plotting as all these metahuman menaces run amok? Here’s the REAL question of the month: Which heroes will join the LEGION OF JUSTICE? In this issue’s backup story, witness the origin of the Emerald Knight, illustrated by superstar artist Bryan Hitch!
Schmidt writing works well for this ongoing tongue in cheek anti-hero comic. This issue is a little flatter after the battle with Starro over the past three issues and I was glad of the short length. Focussing on John Stewart should work well but there is way too much internal dialogue for a cheesy title and it drags every time it’s focussed on him.
Even the origin story this time is a little flat.
The artwork is on point! Classic muscles and might all the way. Kieran McKeown definitely loves drawing the Green Lanterns (or Emerald Knights in this Universe) but as usual, it’s the full-page or double-page panels that show his artwork proudly. Bright DC style colouring and posing are used well. Ultraman’s lair with shots of him juicing on kryptonite looks hilarious.
Hitch does a great backup job on the Origin story but there’s too much green (even for a Emerald Knight story)
Overall Thoughts
Thank god we only have two issues left, this is starting to lose steam and fall into classic DC territory of flogging a dead horse (normally wearing a Batman costume.) I feel I have to stick it out to the end but it’s lost its zany edge in meetings and internal dialogues. A boring 2.5 stars.
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