Review – Hawk The Slayer #1
Review – Hawk The Slayer #1
Writer: Garth Ennis
Artwork: Henry Flint
Lettering: Rob Steen
Publisher: Rebellion
UK and DIGITAL: 13 April £4.99
NORTH AMERICA: 11 May $6.50
Cover by Greg Staples
The Message of Death
This project is a dream come true for writer Ennis – who’s been a massive fan of the movie since he saw it as a child. The art by Henry Flint is simply sublime, managing to capture the charm of the original while also adding his trademark gritty dynamism.
A few years have passed since Hawk and his trusty band of warriors defeated the evil wizard Voltan, but Hawk is still uneasy, fearing that the Dark wizards have only temporarily disappeared and are due to return. Once again, Hawk must assemble a team of warriors to confront the returning evil. The Mind Sword may be the key to saving the world, but is it also responsible for the resurgence of these ungodly forces?
Writer: Garth Ennis
For those that haven’t seen the low budget Terry Marcel movie Hawk The Slayer, this issue provides a quick and simple ten-page synopsis of the plot. Evil Voltan kills his own father to steal the last Elvin Mindstone but his father gifts it to his brother Hawk, who now controls it through the Mindsword. Have a look at the original trailer to a feel for the gloriously camp movie
Ennis picks the story up after Hawk, ahem.. slays Voltan and with the elfin archer, Crow and the giant Gort continue their adventures. A few years have passed and signs of evil in the south are growing. At an Inn Hawk and Gort encounter a band of hooligans but are shocked when a servant of the Dark Ones attacks them. This eyeless horror is cleaved in two by the mind sword leading the pair to seek out the Woman for answers.
Is this the Hawk the Destroyer that was promised in the early 1980s? No, it’s much, much better! With a few added new characters as well as all the fan favourites this miniseries fills a hole most didn’t even know was there.
My favourite line is “You don’t think it’s those big man-crushers you’ve got upfront there?” spoken by Bella the maid to the nun complaining about the pervy monks touching her.
Artwork: Henry Flint
Flint’s gritty and visceral style of artwork brings us back to the 1980s with a fine tightrope between the original actors while allowing for a fresh perspective. Hawk was always criticised as a cold, emotionless bland hero but here he’s energetic, confident and able to crack jokes (and heads)
The cover by Staples is worthy of the movie’s heritage and would look stunning as a full-size poster on every 1980s bedroom.
Overall Thoughts
A comic 42 years in the making, this spin on the sword and sorcery classic will attract a wide range from those that fondly remember the original to those that enjoy D&D style tales. For fans of Hellboy, Slaine or anything that Ennis puts his hand to.
[yasr_multiset setid=1] [yasr_visitor_multiset setid=1]If you enjoyed our review, look out for Hawk The Slayer #1 at your Local Comic Shop
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