Comic Reviews 

Review – Nightwing #80

Review - Nightwing #80

Review – Nightwing #80

Writer: Tom Taylor

Artist: Bruno Redondo

Colors: Adriano Lucas

Letters: Wes Abbott


In Tom Taylor’s third entry into the current ongoing Nightwing series, we see Dick react to the accusations made against him for murder. Local authorities believe that he murdered the homeless man he assisted in the last issue. This causes him to spring into action to seek out the son of this man that was killed. In this process, Dick decides to call in Tim Drake, AKA Robin, to assist in this mission.

Review - Nightwing #80


After Dick Grayson is accused of a homeless man’s murder that he interacted with on the night of his murder, he calls back Barbara Gordon to help provide an alibi and hunt down the son of the man who was murdered. He decides to return the street where an unsettling amount of homeless orphans and children live to try to locate the son of the dead man and realizes that this is a job for a different, younger protege to the caped crusader, Tim Drake.

Review - Nightwing #80

With Tim Drake, the current Robin (thanks to Damian Wayne’s mid-Robin crisis) heading in to find the little guy, the relationship between Dick and Babs is questioned as Tim never misses an opportunity to get in some good banter mid-mission. But when the child is finally found, he seems to want to stay with the rest of the children there and feels safer with the other kids. But right when their mission seems to be going at least somewhat well, some of Blockbuster’s goons, the Electrocutioner and Brutale make their appearance to collect a percentage of the profits of the crimes that those children commit.

Review - Nightwing #80

As the two C-list villains (you could argue B-list but honestly C feels kinda generous) attempt to take money from these children, Nightwing decides that it’s time to intervene as He meets up with Drake and beats the crap out of them with a satisfying and spectacular team-up. As all this is going down though, someone decides to deliberately set the street ablaze. While the Electrocutioner attempts to convince the two crime-fighters that “We didn’t start the fire”, Drake is one step ahead as he realizes that whoever did this did so deliberately and that someone else is stirring up trouble in the street. As the issue comes to a close, Nightwing comes face to face with the very man that caused all this trouble in the first place, The Heartless himself.

Review - Nightwing #80


The artwork here by Bruno Redondo is nothing short of wonderful. Feeling both classic and modern at the same time, the color palette utilized within the pages shows off the bright optimism of the main characters while also showcasing the dark capabilities of unknown evils. This issue also utilizes a practical form of showing different actions taking place in a from reminiscent of Matt Fraction’s run on Hawkeye. Giving a somewhat instruction manual style explanation of how certain actions are committed.

These unique types of showcasing the events transpiring are ones that do not interrupt the flow of the book but instead show off the story coming to life on a deeper level. This artwork particularly makes these action scenes so much more engaging and high octane than the average image of someone being starkly punched in the face or beaten up in a stoic, stiff way.


This issue continues to keep the series’ momentum going as Tom Taylor brings his usual high-quality writing to this product. If this series is any indication, Taylor’s future with DC will be full of even more top-tier and fan-favorite books. As a hardcore Nightwing and DC Comics fan, it’s hard to find anything negative at all about this series. Especially not any that would bog down all the positives and great things in general about this series. High recommendations go to this issue as well as both past issues!

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Check out our review of the previous issue of Nightwing HERE

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Timothy Vega

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