Review – Radiant Black #9

Review – Radiant Black #9

Review – Radiant Black #9

Writers: Kyle Higgins

Artist: Eduardo Ferigato

Colourist: Marcelo Costa

Letterer: Becca Carey

Editor: Michael Busuttil

Publisher: Image Comics

Release Date: 3rd November 2021

Variant Covers:  Danilo Beyruth, Darko Lafuente, Miquel Muerto,


Time passes. Slowly, Lockport recovers. But faced with a city that no longer wants him around and still reeling from an unimaginable loss, Marshall has to ask: is it already time to leave town for good?

Writer: Kyle Higgins

Marshall spends the majority of the issue doing nothing.. and I mean nothing. From watching TV, eating cereal on his porch to ordering more bath bombs at the VHS store he’s bored. Between these, he visits Nathan in the hospital and spends an hour a day speaking to him.

There’s little hero action in the comic, apart from a few pages and panels where he fights armour wearing goons (wearing the tech we saw in the last episode) before dropping back into his pattern. Over 240 days later, though Marshall is contacted by Nathan’s mum to say it’s time to say goodbye as they switch off his ventilator and life support.

Can Nathan persuade them that he thinks Nathan is still alive?

Higgins delivers probably the best issue in the series since the first two issues, it’s heavy, filled with regret and I’m still wiping away tears from the page where they remove the ventilator.

Artist: Eduardo Ferigato

There are some great character moments in this issue, with Ferigato creating an amusing “yo mamma” insult trade with three hoods several times in the issue. But the silent page 22 with a poignant walk through the neighbourhood by Nathan’s ghost and Marshall. Costa’s electric blue colouring sparks across the pages mirroring Marshall’s mood.

Did anybody else click on the QR code and be taken to the merchandising page (including Marshall’s overstocked bath bombs)?

Overall Thoughts

From sidekick buffoon to hero it has been an interesting journey for Marshall and this much-needed issue has put a lot of meat on his character’s bone. Yes, he’s still a bit annoying but his passion and devotion to Nathan (and bath bombs) seem to know no bounds. I challenge anyone to read this issue without a tear as the machine is turned off on Nathan.

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Have a look at our preview of the first few pages to whet your appetite

Michael Lennox

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T'was a cold dark night in East Kilbride... and below the roundabouts, something old and ancient began to shudder awake. The world would rue the day that it gave the Green Jaguar comics to read!

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