Review – Radiant Black #9 Michael LennoxBgcp, Cherish Chen, comic review, Daniele di Nicuolo, David “Darko” Lafuente, Diego Greco, Doaly, Eduardo Ferigato, Exclusive variants, Felipe Watanabe, fun, Image Comics, ISSUE 9, Jose Carlos, Justin Mason, Kyle Higgins, Mateus Santolouco, Michael Busuttil, Miquel Muerto, Nathan Burnett, November 2021, ongoing series, radiant Black, radiant red, Serg Acuña, Trevor McCarthy, Tyler Kirkham, variant covers Review – Radiant Black #9.Time passes. Slowly, Lockport recovers. But faced with a city that no longer wants him around is it time to go? Read More
Review – Radiant Black #8 Michael LennoxBgcp, Cherish Chen, comic review, Daniele di Nicuolo, David “Darko” Lafuente, Diego Greco, Doaly, Eduardo Ferigato, Exclusive variants, Felipe Watanabe, fun, Image Comics, ISSUE 8, Jose Carlos, Justin Mason, Kyle Higgins, Mateus Santolouco, Michael Busuttil, Miquel Muerto, Nathan Burnett, ongoing series, radiant Black, radiant red, September 2021, Serg Acuña, Trevor McCarthy, Tyler Kirkham, variant covers Review – Radiant Black #8. The battle for the Radiants continues. Can this unlikely new team stand against an enemy who knows more of powers than they do? Read More
Review – Moon Knight #1 Michael LennoxAlan Quah, Alessandro Cappuccio, Alex Garner, Arif Prianto, Bill Sienkiewicz, COMIC BOOK REVIEWS, David Mack, E. M. Gist, Elizabeth Torque, exclusive covers, Frank D'Armata, Frank Martin, Gabriele Dell'otto, Gerardo Zaffino, Issue #1. issue 1, J. P. Mayer, Jed MacKay, Joe Jusko, John Romita Jr, Ken Lashley, Kyle Hotz, Marco Mastrazzo, Marte Gracia, Marvel, Matt Wilson, Mico Suayan, Mike Mayhew, Moon Knight, Pepe Larraz, Philip Tan, rare covers, Scott Williams, Sebastian Cheng, Skottie Young, Steve McNiven, Todd Nauck, Tyler Kirkham, variant covers, Virgin Covers Review - Moon Knight #1. The mysterious Mr Knight has opened his Midnight Mission, protecting his people from the weird and horrible. Read More