Review – The Swamp Thing #4

Review – The Swamp Thing #4

Art by: Mike Perkins

Written by: Ram V

Colourist: Mike Spicer

Published By: DC Comics

Available: 1st June 2021


Still trapped within the Green, Levi and Jennifer have encountered its denizens, both friendly and vile. But something is terribly wrong within the Green itself, and its origins may be closer to home than Levi thinks. As The Swamp Thing, he must now use lessons learned to embrace his power and bring peace. But is he already too late? Have the seeds of discontent already been planted for the contagion to enter our world?

Writing – Ram V

Ram V continues to shine in three titles at the moment as you can see from our reviews of Leila Starr, Catwoman and this title The Swamp Thing. Swamp Thing has had an illustrious number of writers over the last ten years from Morrison, Millar and now V. Each of the writers all take a reverence of the work down by those before and Ram used this issue to join up the story arcs while also progressing Levis.

If you enjoyed Michael’s review of Swamp Thing 3 you can check out what he thought of the last issue here.

There’s a snake in the garden in the form of the Floronic Man enticing Jennifer to follow him.Meanwhile Levi learns the history and legacy of previous holders of the Green from Alec Holland. The people and images he has encountered are just memories, including Alec. Finally embracing the power Alec taps into his memories and learn the secret of his father’s death and his brothers actions atht led to him being taken by the green.

Artwork- Mikes Perkins and Spicer

Following on from the last issue Spicer’s vibrant colouring lights up Perkins stunning artwork creating a wonderland of vibrant greens and reds across the green. The two Mikes set the standard for deep complex landscapes and almost three-dimensional images. The iconic image of The Swamp Thing carrying the girl is recreated in the final few panels of the issue to great effect. Levi finally understands his fate and why he was chosen. I also love individual panels like the silhouetted face that strikes horror into Jennifer.

The cover has hints of Michelangelo Adam reaching out to touch the hand of God.

Overall Thoughts

The last four issues in The Swamp Thing have been a masterclass in scripting, colouring and artwork. Narration is short allowing the images to weave the intricate story. By other writers, they would have tried to squeeze what Ram has done in four issues into one complex confusing story. The issue was going great up until the last panel with the wider introduction of DC’s big movie this year, it doesn’t feel on point for the current story but let’s see what happens.

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Michael Lennox

Written by 

T'was a cold dark night in East Kilbride... and below the roundabouts, something old and ancient began to shudder awake. The world would rue the day that it gave the Green Jaguar comics to read!

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