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Assassin’s Creed: Rift Coming Next Year?

Assassin's Creed: Rift

According to a recent Bloomberg article, Ubisoft are allegedly planning to adapt a project which was initially intended as an expansion for Assassin’s Creed Valhalla into a fully-fledged brand new Assassin’s Creed game. The game is apparently being developed under the codename: Assassin’s Creed: Rift. Toward the end of 2021, Ubisoft apparently decided that Assassin’s Creed: Rift would function best as a standalone entry in the long-running historical stealth/action franchise, instead of releasing it as a piece of DLC.

Bloomberg’s piece states that you will play as Basim Ibn Ishaq in Assassin’s Creed: Rift, a character from AC: Valhalla. The most interesting aspect of this new title is the fact that it allegedly won’t take place in a massive open-world. Instead it will play as more of a linear experience with more of a focus on the stealth gameplay, similar to early games in the franchise.

Bloomberg’s article also claims that Ubisoft’s decision to repurpose this DLC into a standalone title, is to help to fill up its near-term release schedule. This means that whilst we don’t know whether Assassin’s Creed: Rift will release in 2022 and 2023, we do know that it will drop at some point before Assassin’s Creed Infinity releases.

Assassin’s Creed Infinity is the long-planned project that is intended to transform the series into a live online service similar to GTA Online. When news that the Assassin’s Creed franchise would adopt a ‘live service,’ structure first emerged, fans of the series were understandably annoyed. Could this more traditional, single-player experience be a direct response to that reaction?

Another interesting facet to note is the fact that Ubisoft have not put out an Assassin’s Creed game in this style since the release of Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate back in 2015. Assassin’s Creed: Origins launched back in 2017 and was the first of the franchise to play as more of an open world RPG than any of the past entries. This style of gameplay has remained since and has become somewhat of a staple of the series.

What do you think of the idea of Ubisoft releasing a more traditional Assassin’s Creed game? What are your thoughts on Assassin’s Creed: Infinity? Let us know in the comments section down below.

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Daniel Boyd

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Daniel is a 26-year-old writer from Glasgow. He loves sci-fi and hates fantasy. He also hates referring to himself in the third person and thinks that bios are dumb.

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