Review – Time Before Time #3

Review - Time Before Time #3
Cover Art

Review – Time Before Time #3

Writers – Declan Shalvey & Rory McConville

Artist – Joe Palmer

Colourist – Chris O’Halloran

Letterer – Hassan Otsmane – Elhaou

Publisher – Image Comics

Release Date – 21st July 2021


Time Before Time #3 sees Tatsuo and Nadia as prisoners of the Union in year 2093. And now they must undertake a dangerous journey to try and win their freedom. But something doesn’t sit right with Union member Rosalyn and she may have to take matters into her own hands to get revenge on the Syndicate.

Issue 3 carries on where issue 2 ended, with the unlikely pair at the mercy of their captors after Nadia’s failed attempt to steal Tatsuo’s time pod. And as a result they were thrust into the past, escaping the evil Syndicate but now shackled together at the hands of the Union. What else could go wrong?


Declan Shalvey and Rory McConville use this issue to give more background into the lead characters, Tatsuo and Nadia. And certainly it’s enjoyable learning more about Tatsuo Edwards as a person. But don’t start thinking that this is all background and no action. Because Shalvey and McConville save the best for last and at the end of issue, you are desperate for the next! The writing style that the pair incorporate is fantastic at keeping the reader in suspense and I cannot praise this series enough.


Joe Palmer and Chris O’Halloran continue to deliver in the art department. Palmer perfectly captures the tone of what writer’s Shalvey & McConville are trying to convey and when you add in O’Halloran’s subtle, yet effective colouring, they only enhance the book further.

I especially like O’Halloran’s use of heavy shading in the panels as it ties perfectly with the dystopian storyline. I have to give special mention to letterer Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou in this issue. His lettering in the action panels is just sublime!


Another fantastic issue. I thought this was just going to be an issue with some character development and not a lot else. I mean, how can you keep up the action and suspense that the first two issues had? By drawing you into a fall sense of security that’s how! What starts off slowly only ramps up towards the end and I for one, cannot wait for the next issue of this amazing series.

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If you enjoyed Andy’s review, then why not check out his reviews for issue #1 and issue #2.

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Andy MacGregor

Written by 

Born and raised in the Shire of Dumbarton, on the bonnie banks of Loch Lomond. I discovered comics at a young age and then life became instantly better

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