New No Way Home Trailer on 25th October

New No Way Home Trailer on 25th October

Rumours are starting to pop up all over the internet that Marvel will use the release of the Eternals movie to promote the new Spider-man – No Way Home trailer. The net exploded in August when the teaser trailer was leaked and now with the next big film in the Marvelverse out shortly Spider-fans are coming to the net for clues, hints and leaks from either sponsors or promotional companies or from Cinema chains working with them.

Taste the Russian Rainbow…

Ten hours ago Screen Rant shared that if fans go to the Russian website for Skittles there is a mini-game that shows Andrew Garfield’s Amazing Spider-man. Now, this could be a red herring or it finally justifies the fans thoughts that Garfield will be stretching out his tights again to go head to head with villains like Doctor Octopus, Venom, Goblin and Electro.

Or it could just be a lazy employer putting the wrong image to take fans down another rabbit hole.

Let there be Venom!

The ending of the last Venom film opened the door for a showdown of the two characters, with Venom licking the screen of Tom Holland’s face in it as JJJ discloses his secret identity to the world. with the spoiler out in the world, it can’t be too long till we see them both on the same screen.

Check out all the implications of the post-credits scene here.

Regal Leak

Today also saw an employer from the US Regal Cinema chain leak that an “unknown” trailer lasting 3:33 has been loaded before The Eternals. The file is not named and the contents have been locked by Cineworld to stop early spoilers. Have a look at the text below, but basically, this employee sets up the movies and trailers (all digital these days) and one of the files added with the Eternals is a secret trailer. Now it could be the new terrible Home Alone movie that’s out on Disney+ or our prayers have been answered and we’ll get some more looks at what happens when Peter and Dr Strange mess up a spell to stop people from remembering he is Spider-man.

Whatever is coming the clock is ticking and it feels that Marvel has been pushing Eternals heavily to encourage audiences back to the cinema and rumours of the NWH trailer will spike fans booking to see the film on the opening night or for those lucky enough to see a preview.

To keep your appetite up, you can check out everything missed in the August teaser trailer right here!

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Michael Lennox

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T'was a cold dark night in East Kilbride... and below the roundabouts, something old and ancient began to shudder awake. The world would rue the day that it gave the Green Jaguar comics to read!

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