Spider-Man: No Way Home Details Leak!

In the piece that I wrote analysing the first Spider-Man: No Way Home trailer, I speculated that a few of the frames possibly showed off the fact that The Lizard and Sandman would appear in this movie. That theory has now been confirmed due to images of an upcoming feature on Spider-Man: Far From Home in next month’s Empire Magazine… Read More

The Venom 2 Post Credits Scene Changes Everything!

The Venom 2 post credits scene is a game changer. This article will break down the reveal in detail and discuss its implications. MAJOR SPOILERS FOLLOW! The Reveal If you are still with us then you have either already seen the movie or are much like myself and don’t care about spoilers, so here we go. Tom Hardy’s Venom is… Read More

Announcement: A Gander @ Gaming

Hey folks, A couple of days ago, I uploaded my “review,” of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild onto the site. This was my first piece I have written since joining the site at the start of the year that was as much a piece written to criticise aspects of the gaming industry as much as it was… Read More

Resident Evil Movie Reboot Delayed

Yet another major movie release has been delayed. It has been announced that the upcoming Resident Evil movie, Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City has been delayed until the 24th of November 2021. This is a pretty significant delay, as the live-action reboot movie was initially due to release on September 3rd this year, but has unfortunately been pushed back… Read More

Venom – Let There Be Carnage Delayed again

Venom 2 Delayed The summer of Carnage will have to be postponed as Venom – Let There Be Carnage has been pushed back. Originally meant to be released 2nd October 2020 but due to the pandemic was pushed back to 25th June 2021. It may not come as surprise with the ongoing restrictions in place, as it is unlikely that… Read More