Review – Basilisk #5

Review – Basilisk #5

Review – Basilisk #5

Writer: Cullen Bunn

Artist: Jonas Scharf

Colouring: Alex Guimaraes

Publisher: Boom! Studios

Release Date: 8th December 2021

Variant and Virgin Covers: Rafael Albuquerque, Christian Ward, Raul Allen

The Voice

After the shocking conclusion of the last issue, the remaining members of Chimera regroup, sullen. After a prophetic confession from Vanessa, she says they have a destiny to fulfil…a sacrifice.

Meanwhile, Regan is hesitant to tell Hannah about the prophecy, but before she can, she’s overwhelmed by auditory pain, and Hannah hears a hauntingly familiar voice as she tries to help Regan…

Writer: Cullen Bunn

After the battle of the last issue, this issue allows the dust to settle with both fractions. The first two pages show Hannah had a family in the town destroyed by Chimera. The Chimera heals slowly in a hotel room, after killing the current guests but the team looks like it starting to struggle with the continued violence with Cara casting doubts on their increasing kill rate. In the car, Regan is overwhelmed by an auditory attack but realises that as she killed Manny she has absorbed his powers. Is this the real power of the Chimera to absorb others powers?

This is a very quick read but Bunn leaves us on the edge of the seat with the last page reveal of where the Chimera will strike next.

Artist: Jonas Scharf

Scharf does all the hard work as usual turning Bunn’s minimal script into a fully formed story. His attention to detail hits a peak in the car when Regan’s auditory powers are accidentally activated.

Overall Thoughts

This is a much slower burn than previous issues, allowing the teams to regroup after the battle in the last issue. Regan is still holding back the prophecy from Hannah and this will form the tension needed in this reluctant friendship to drive the story over the next few issues.

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Michael Lennox

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T'was a cold dark night in East Kilbride... and below the roundabouts, something old and ancient began to shudder awake. The world would rue the day that it gave the Green Jaguar comics to read!
