Was a Remake of MGS Cancelled By Konami in 2019?

It is quite possible that a Metal Gear Solid remake did enter production and was subsequently cancelled by Konami back in 2019. Former developer on the Metal Gear series, Ikuya Nakamura, has put out several tweets regarding an unannounced and previously secret project at Konami. One tweet in particular states that the now-cancelled project was in active development for a number… Read More

AG@G: Why We Should Be Concerned About The Acquisition War

An essay on why the upcoming war of acquisition could spell the end for originality and creative freedom within the gaming industry The Acquisition War is brewing. With every month that passes, we are seeing more and more examples of big corporations in the gaming industry gobbling up previously independent videogame development studios. Whilst these development may initially seem exciting… Read More

Is A Remake Of MGS3 On The Way?

In all honestly, I was actually rather hesitant to report on this latest rumour of an MGS3 remake, as we have been getting a good number of Metal Gear Solid remake rumours as of late. However, in the days since this latest rumour of a remake of MGS3 first broke, it has been followed with some more concrete information. Specifically,… Read More

Several MGS remakes in development?

Several MGS remakes in development? An online leak has revealed that there are allegedly ‘several Metal Gear Solid remakes in active development’ as a result of a deal struck between Sony and Konami. In the last few years, Konami have shown an growing disinterest in developing and publishing traditional video games. This has left a significant gap in the market… Read More