Articles News Videogames 

Was a Remake of MGS Cancelled By Konami in 2019?

It is quite possible that a Metal Gear Solid remake did enter production and was subsequently cancelled by Konami back in 2019. Former developer on the Metal Gear series, Ikuya Nakamura, has put out several tweets regarding an unannounced and previously secret project at Konami. One tweet in particular states that the now-cancelled project was in active development for a number… Read More
Articles Videogames 

The Game Awards 2021: Announcement Predictions

Up top, I just want to clarify that this article will cover the games that I expect we could see get an official announcement at The Game Awards 2021. This is not an article predicting the results of each category, because who really cares which game wins GOTY? It is certainly not something that I have put much stock into… Read More
News Videogames 

Is A Remake Of MGS3 On The Way?

In all honestly, I was actually rather hesitant to report on this latest rumour of an MGS3 remake, as we have been getting a good number of Metal Gear Solid remake rumours as of late. However, in the days since this latest rumour of a remake of MGS3 first broke, it has been followed with some more concrete information. Specifically,… Read More
Articles Videogames 

Everything We Could See At Sony’s Upcoming State Of Play Stream

Following Sony’s absence at E3 2021, many are expecting their next State Of Play stream to be announced imminently. During that stream, we are likely to see a few E3 level announcements from the company, as they aren’t going to let Microsoft throw the haymakers that they did during their E3 livestream, (where they announced a whopping eight new IP,)… Read More
Articles News Videogames 

Could ‘Abandoned’ from Blue Box Game Studios be the next Silent Hill game?

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of Blue Box Game Studios, Hideo Kojima and Silent Hills, let me take you back to late 2012… Gangnam Style was still in the charts, Django Unchained had just dropped in cinemas and cryptocurrency was still just a weird obscure thing that only sweaty nerds your paranoid uncle cared about. Then, – completely out… Read More
News Videogames 

Several MGS remakes in development?

Several MGS remakes in development? An online leak has revealed that there are allegedly ‘several Metal Gear Solid remakes in active development’ as a result of a deal struck between Sony and Konami. In the last few years, Konami have shown an growing disinterest in developing and publishing traditional video games. This has left a significant gap in the market… Read More
News Videogames 

Kojima Productions next project could be announced soon

In a recent interview with Yoji Shinkawa, it was revealed that the next major project from Kojima Productions may be announced imminently. The news came from an interview that Shinkawa, (the art director at Kojima Productions,) did with AlHub, which was later translated from Japanese into English by Aki Saito. In the interview, Shinkawa spoke with host Mutlaq Aljraid about… Read More