Review – Batman: The Detective #4

Review – Batman: The Detective #4 SUMMARY After consenting to the Lyon Interpol’s arrest for the attempted murder of Ducard, Bruce Wayne is taken in for interrogation where he looks to find answers in their questions. Just who are Equilibrium and what more do they know about Batman? The mind games reach their boiling point in Batman: The Detective #4.… Read More

Review – Blade Runner 2029: Reunion

Review – Blade Runner 2029: Reunion SUMMARY After the events of the original Blade Runner, the replicants caused a blackout in the Tyrell archives, scrubbing the records of existing replicants. The virtual and moral line between humanity and a surviving species is lost to the darkness. One Blade Runner on this thin tightrope looks to make the replicants permanently disappear,… Read More

Review – Blacksad: A Silent Hell

SUMMARY Taking a trip down to New Orleans, Blacksad and his repellent rascal of a reporter Weekly are tasked with finding a beloved missing musician in the mayhem of Mardi Gras. However, the Masquerade of the local music industry has prowled through the poisonous streets of New Orleans longer than any parade. In the hometown of Jazz and voodoo, Blacksad… Read More

Review – Blacksad: Red Soul

SUMMARY After fulfilling a promise in Las Vegas, Blacksad finds himself spiritually and financially broke. After one last dirty job, he returns home to seek out an old friend, little did he know that this visit would lead straight to the beginnings of World War III! With both his personal and newfound romantic interests in jeopardy, Blacksad steps up to… Read More

Review – Netflix’s Trese Season One

SUMMARY Set in the present day Philippines, Alexandra Trese is the sixth child of the sixth child, the binding presence of a harmonious agreement between the human world and the underworld. With this peaceful accordance in place, Trese has friends in low places as well as supernatural powers to help her with investigations of a demonically discordant nature. ANIMATION Initially… Read More

Review – Blacksad: Arctic Nation

Review – Blacksad: Arctic Nation SUMMARY Blacksad puts himself in the crossfire of a visceral race war within The Line, a decrepit district of New York. Being a black and white cat is a dangerous thing to be when stuck between the Arctic Nation and Black Claws gang, but Blacksad is willing to go the distance in order to save… Read More
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