Review – Vinyl #5

Review - Vinyl #5
Cover Art

Review – Vinyl #5

Writer – Doug Wagner

Artist – Daniel Hillyard

Colourist – Dave Stewart

Letterer – Ed Dukeshire

Publisher – Image Comics

Release Date – 27 October 2021


In the penultimate issue of Vinyl, Madeleine has unleashed her bunker of abominations. They’re up against Walter’s blood-crazed psychopaths and that can mean only one thing. It’ll be a bloodbath!

Issue #5 of Vinyl from the Creative mind of Doug Wagner continues on from the exciting cliff-hanger of the previous issue when we were left to wonder what was going to happen to Dennis. Was the rescue doomed to failure?

Wagner is again supported by his powerhouse art team of Daniel Hillyard, Dave Stewart and Ed Dukeshire.


Doug Wagner is a master of his trade. And I found myself having to re-read this issue immediately after the first read through. Such was the gripping nature of the book. It really is amazing how much you can warm to a serial killer and actively worry about them. But then again, Walter is such a likeable character. And not only that, each of Walter’s ‘friends’ has their own fascinating personas which as a supporting cast, help elevate the protagonist’s role further.


The artwork is simply on another level. Whilst Doug Wagner has us firmly invested in this story, it is the support from the art team which which really elevates this book even further. Daniel Hillyard’s work perfectly matches Wagner’s gore-filled storyline and Dave Stewart’s colour palette really emphasises this even further. As you can imagine, Red is a predominant colour but not in an sense of overkill.


Another fantastic issue and it’s slightly bittersweet as I know there is only one book left. Doug Wagner continues to entice and horrify in equal measure. And with that being said, there seems like there is still more to come in next month’s finale. Without doubt this is my book of the year and I urge anyone that has not discovered it yet to pick it up immediately. You’ll thank me later.

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If you enjoyed Andy’s review of Vinyl #5, then check out his reviews of the previous issues right here.

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Andy MacGregor

Written by 

Born and raised in the Shire of Dumbarton, on the bonnie banks of Loch Lomond. I discovered comics at a young age and then life became instantly better

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