Image Comics Union Forms

It was recently announced that Image Comics will form their own union named Comic Book Workers United. The announcement was made on the publisher’s Twitter account and came with an official statement and a link to their new website. Said website also includes a list of goals that the union hope to achieve, which are as follows; “Salary and workload transparency.… Read More

Jim Shooter Reveals A Live-Action Secret Wars Project is in Development at Marvel Studios

Live-Action Secret Wars coming to MCU? Superstar writer, Jim Shooter has revealed that Marvel Studios have begun developing a Secret Wars movie in a Q&A Session at Megacon, Orlando. When asked if he sees Marvel “going towards” Secret Wars for the next phase of the MCU, Shooter (the writer of the original 12 issue Secret Wars run) seemed to confirm… Read More

BGCP Interviews Mark Abnett (Aroha Comics)

BGCP Interviews Mark Abnett (Aroha Comics) This week Massimo sits down for a chat with Scottish based New Zealand Born comic creator Mark Abnett to talk about his Kickstarter for the latest issue of his series ‘This Land’. They discuss the book, Mark’s comic career so far, The story writing process and how Mark hopes to bring the Maori Culture… Read More

BGCP Interview Paul Amos (Jupiter’s Legacy, Assassin’s Creed)

BGCP Interview Paul Amos (Jupiter’s Legacy, Assassin’s Creed) Dan and Massimo chat to Assassin’s Creed and Jupiter’s Legacy star Paul Amos in our latest creator interview. They discuss what it’s like to film a flying scene, how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected the entertainment industry and how much creative input you really have when working with a massive company like… Read More

BGCP Interviews Fraser Campbell (Alex Automatic, Cabal Comics)

BGCP Interviews Fraser Campbell (Alex Automatic, Cabal Comics) Massimo sits down for a chat with Scottish comic book writer Fraser Campbell to talk about his Current Kickstarter for the collected volume of “Alex Automatic.” They discuss the book and his Comic Career so far and Fraser details his process when it comes to crafting a story like this one. Fraser… Read More

BGCP Fan Casting – MCU X-Men

BGCP Fan Casting – MCU X-Men On this special episode, The BGCP hosts give their picks for who should play the X-Men when they are inevitably introduced to the MCU. Ian, Alan, Dan, Massimo and Bethany all take part with some surprising picks for some of the most popular X-Men. Please drop a comment if you agree with any of… Read More